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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

Navigating The Road Of Frequency Increase

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

All is unfolding in proper sequence and timing. The “miracles” of this present Planetary Transition time period will not be recognized fully until several generations have passed.

Allow for your continued unfolding spiritual development. All are coming into a greater awareness of self.

This may be difficult to recognize at the present moment, when the negativity harbored within each of you is being caused to be discharged. In other words, the Cleansing Cycle you ones are now experiencing is causing most ones some level of discomfort. This discomfort is generated as the process occurs of dissipating (discharging) the pent-up inner emotional low-frequency energies of anger, guilt, fear and such.

  2063 Hits

Recognize Your Vast Spiritual Heritage

Good morning, little one. It is I, Aton, The One Light. Be still and hear me. I am The One Light. I am Creator Source—the One who created you. Be at peace.

Allow for the flow of unfolding events to play out as they will. Allow for the emotional energy to settle and seek its proper density.

You ones, for the most part, do not realize, nor do you appreciate, the EFFECTS of the rate of upward frequency shift taking place at this time in your physical environment. Your emotional state is greatly amplified from where it was just six months prior. These effects will show up within you as an emotional hyper-sensitivity of sorts.

  3186 Hits

Clear The Weeds From Your Wheat

Good evening, child. I am Esu “Jesus” Sananda. I come in the Pure White Light of my Father’s Radiance, and I bring ONLY that Pure White Radiance with me.

Let the doubters have their doubt, for it is nothing which you can prevent. My Messages must be judged by their words and by the energy present. Those who would judge these words as false or misleading are themselves misled. These words shall only be resisted by the very ones who need to hear them the most. So be it.

The subject today is very important. It has to do with how you are doing with the infusion of Light that is increasing with every passing moment of your time. As we have discussed in previous writings, the Light infusing your planet at this time is causing an acceleration and intensifying effect upon each and every one on Earth. It is causing all who are of the Light to be brighter, and all who are of the Darkness to be darker.

  2662 Hits

The Power Of Truth In A World Of Lies

Good evening, child. It is I, Violinio St. Germain, come to you this day in the Purest Radiance of the Light of Creator God. Simply surround yourself with the Light, and the Darkness will no longer be.

Let us try to sort some of these things out, shall we? There is much consternation with you, and though this Message will be very personal to the scribe, it will also serve well as a general Message. There can never be too many Lessons regarding truth, for it is something that has been twisted around by many, for many reasons.

There is no need to defend truth, for truth simply is, and will always prove itself. And, if you learn to live life in truth, you will never have to remember the lies in order to cover them.

  2712 Hits

Recognizing YOUR Purpose Helps The Larger Plan

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in Service to The One Light, Creator God.

I have come as one of the Hosts of God, as a Messenger of Truth. And, I come as a representative of the Inter-Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. I present to many under different names, depending upon the purpose of the communication as well as the level of growth and awareness of the individuals I work with and through. Monitor within yourself the energy vibrations I present and you will recognize my energy.

There are distractions galore these days upon your orb as the Dark energies struggle to remain hidden from the view of you who continue to march forward bearing the symbolic torch of Lighted Truth. Many will effort to snuff out the “flame” of those who radiate this Infinite Flame, as the vibrational emanations associated with you Lightworkers cause the Dark ones to know that their games of trickery and deceit are soon to come onto center stage of attention within the mass consciousness of even the most hardened skeptic.

  3012 Hits

Choices Are Central To The Creative Process

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

Allow for the waves of emotion to flow through you. Allow for the energy to seek and find its own density. This density does not necessarily need to be where you focus your consciousness, especially when the emotional energy is of a negative nature.

All will play out in perfection in due course of time (more accurately: in due sequence of events). Unfolding events, which are borne of and precipitated by thought and desire, are what constitute physical “reality”. Monitor closely your thoughts and the emotional frequencies associated with them. We cannot stress enough the importance of this, for your thoughts are many times more powerful and significant than are the physical actions and reactions set forth into motion as a result of same.

  2351 Hits

Each New Day Is A Miracle Of Opportunities

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Toniose Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still. All is unfolding as it should, and you will shortly see the “fruits” of your labors pay off in many untold ways.

Now that the energy pathway has been cleaned up and we have an untainted public medium in which to express these Messages, you will naturally attract into your experience those who have a like-minded purpose and goal. The best thing any of you can do to expedite this process is to clean out the leftover emotional baggage associated with the “housecleaning” of the recent past.

  2500 Hits

True Abundance Comes From Walking The Spiritual Path

Good evening, child. I am Esu Sananda, known also as Jesus of Nazareth, and to those native to the Americas, as the Pale Prophet and other names. I come in Light and Love and on behalf of my Father, Holy God of Light. Thank you for your attention.

“I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”

Did I speak these words? Yes, indeed I did.

What do they mean? Well, it has nothing to do with money and material possessions, but it has everything to do with spiritual abundance.

  2730 Hits

Turning Clues Into Wisdom Through Insight

Ah, thank you for sitting with me at this time. I am Toniose Soltec, and I come in service unto Holy God of Light, Creator of All That Is. I serve in the Pure Radiance of that Light. My position, if you will, is that of Commander of Geophysics for this Earth Transition Mission. However (and moreover), I am a servant unto The One Light of Creation—Aton—Holy God of Light, for to serve is the greatest of the endeavors in the entire Omniverse of Universes.

Be that as it may, firstly I would like to discuss briefly some recent Earth-shakings on your planet. There have been, just in the last day, several significant earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Moreover, both quakes occurred within two hours of each other. The first quake, officially a magnitude (M) 5.7, was off the coast of Vancouver Island at 4:45 P.M. local (Pacific) time on 7/2/99; the second quake was officially called a M5.1 shaker and its epicenter was 64 miles southwest of Seattle, Washington at 6:44 P.M.

  2650 Hits

Will You Blossom Or Burn Out?

Good afternoon, little one. It is I, Sanat Kumara, or Grandfather in the terminology of your Native American brothers and sisters.

I am representative of the Silver Ray of Creation. I come in service to The One Light from which all is born. I make up an integral part of the father/mother (bipolar) nature of your physical universe. It is through the bipolar interaction between the Golden-White frequency spectrum (a representative of which is the one you call Jesus, who was known as Esu Immanuel) and the Silver-White frequency spectrum that all of the physical universe is manifested and coalesced.

While manifesting into the physical, you each maintain an aspect of yourselves that is directly connected to Creator Source through the Golden-White and Silver-White Light frequencies of Creation. This is the “Spark of Life” which allows animation of your physical body and which maintains the coupling between the non-physical and the physical aspects of your existence.

  3380 Hits