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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

Watch The Clues, Both Near And Far

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source—The One who created you and me.

There is much shifting in your plane of reality. You will find it to your greatest advantage to seek the comfort and protection of the high-frequency Light of the Divine Spark within. This is to say you will function with greater ease and comfort if you can maintain a high-frequency emotional state.

Let not the distractions of life keep you from connecting within to Creator Source. Your chosen path is one of great challenges and opportunities. It is up to YOU to take advantage of these opportunities, for none of we of the Host of God will force you ever to make any choice or decision. You choose your path.

  2547 Hits

Making Good Use Of This “Quickening” Environment

Good morning, my friend. It is I, Toniose Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace.

Allow for the changes to take place. Allow for ones to make choices as they will. Allow for movement and growth. Allow for the perfection of God’s plans to manifest as they will. Allow for the opportunities that each day brings forth. Allow for the spontaneity of life and living.

By allowing these things, you will find that the events of day-to-day living become much more enjoyable and free flowing. Look for newness in each day, and be not afraid to embrace the moment and seize the opportunities as they are presented to you.

  2188 Hits

It Is Your Life And Your Responsibility

I am Esu “Jesus” Sananda—One with the Light of Holy God of Creation, our Father. I come to you this day with Blessings from Holy God of Light. I speak only that which my Father speaks. Thank you for asking.

If you want to follow another in this life, then you are reading the wrong publication. If you do not want to make your own decisions, and take responsibility for your own life, then you are reading the wrong publication.

If, however, you want THE TRUTH, and you want to THINK FOR SELF, and you are willing to take responsibility for that which you do and speak, then you are reading the right publication.

  2483 Hits

Recognizing Value In ALL Of Life’s Challenges

Good afternoon, my scribe. I am El Morya, representative of the First Ray of The Creation. I am often referred to as The Statesman. I come in the Light of the One Light of Creator Source. I am born of this One Light, as are each of the souled beings upon your orb and throughout the Omniverse of universes of Creator’s Thinking and Desire.

[Editor’s Historical Note: This Message was written to be shared in the June 1999 premier issue of a then-new publication called The SPECTRUM. Since mid March of 1999, a large readership had been wondering what was happening with those who had split away from CONTACT to form the new, uncorrupted information source.]

I come at this time of newness to help “usher in” The SPECTRUM newspaper. This paper is born somewhat in controversy and, for some, confusion. Some ones of you do not know who to trust or who is right, and therefore are looking for clues so as to help you to discern for yourselves what is the proper course to take. Others of you have paid very close attention over the years and have noticed the divergence from issues of true importance and true value; for you ones, the choice is clear.

  2706 Hits

Growth Comes From Understanding Of Truth

Good morning, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

You can see that there has been a Guiding Hand working through the various players on the playing field. Even the legal “wrinkles” have proven to be beneficial to you ones. Proceed diligently with using these gifts for there are, indeed, good reasons why you were given them.

  2512 Hits

Learning To Act In Oneness With All Of Creation

Good morning, my friend. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. I come in and of the Light of Creator Source, a being whom you ones have come to know as Aton—The One Light.

The label Aton means “The One Light”. The label was chosen for many reasons and has significance to many of you who are returned at this time of planetary transition. Many will take exception with this label for God, and will reject this and prior information on this sole basis.

The label is one of a symbolic nature, for NO one label can encompass the entirety of Creator Source. The label is for you there in the physical density so that we can articulate higher-dimensional concepts and ideas in the written language.

  2208 Hits

Standing At A Crossroads This Day

[Private to this scribe: To begin with, please relax and allow the fingers to move over the keys, for I am guiding you. Release the tension and the fear, for you have nothing to fear except your own perceptions. You have no need to fear anything, chela (student), for you shall receive no reprisals from me. We can take this slowly so that our energies can achieve a frequency matching, and then the words will flow even better. So just relax, sit back, and let us begin. Please put aside all old thoughts, for this is a new day. You know what I mean.]

Good morning, child, I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, and I am so very pleased that you finally have decided to put aside your fears and sit with me. You have come to know me as Commander Hatonn, of the Intergalactic Federation, Ashtar Command, Pleiades Sector, Project (or Mission) Earth-Shan Transition. Yes, I come in, and in Service to, the Radiant Light of The One God—Creator of all Creation, the One Source, the essence of I AM.

  2566 Hits

Opportunities Test Our Level Of Responsible Action

Good evening, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source—Aton. Be at peace and allow for the energy to settle within.

This task of receiving is what you have come for, along with other equally important and related work. Let not the situation in which you now find yourself dissuade you from fulfilling your mission.

  2560 Hits

This Is The Time Of Nearly Instant Return

Greetings and good evening, child. Be at peace and be still, for it is I, Sananda, come to speak with you this day. I come in and with the Blessed and Radiant Light of the One True Creator God.

Thank you for your time and for your persistence in these very trying times. Have I not always told you that I am always near, and you need but ask and I will answer.

Be not surprised that Doris cannot see nor hear the Truth these days, for have I not told you that my people know my voice? In her fear and desperation, she knows not that she has turned from The One Source, Creator God, for the Dark Trickster has managed to capture her in his web of seduction and deceit.

Do you ones give up and stop sending her the Light—my Light or our Father’s Light? I say unto you, nay, you shall not stop, for it is only that Light which is keeping her in relative safety.

  3014 Hits

Change Is At Hand! Let Go Of The Past And Move Forward

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, of the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. I come in Oneness with The One Light of Creator Source—Aton. Make no mistake as to who I AM!

Dear ones, the games have gone on long enough and I have given every conceivable opportunity for everyone involved to make their choices and reap the subsequent results of same.

My longtime PUBLIC scribe, Dharma [Doris Ekker], has been systematically failing over the last several years. In September of 1996 [in a 9/28/96 private writing to her through a receiver who had been groomed to be her replacement], I gave her an opportunity to step aside and allow the building attacks and pressures to subside.

She, at that time, chose of her own free will to decline the offer. There have since been steady attacks from the Dark ones, who relentlessly exploit every weakness and every fear onto which she holds. Such is the path of the Lightworker.

  3003 Hits