Good evening, child. It is I, Sananda, also known as Esu or Jesus the Christ, depending upon your own understanding. Regardless of the label, I come in and with and as representative of the One Holy White Light of our Father, Creator of All That Is. It is my pleasure to commune with you on this day, and I am thankful and honored that you have taken the time to sit with me.
I, as well as others of the Higher Lighted Realms, are in full understanding that many of you ones are questioning what is taking place and when and how it might all play out eventually. What I shall comment in regard to this matter is this:
All is progressing forward, and all will eventually play itself out. There are many human conditions, karma, and decisions that have effect upon the outcome of the situation, and we must allow for all these human dramas to be expressed as they will. After all, the principal way that you in the third-dimensional reality learn is by the human experience through your current expressions of physicality.