Spiritual Messages
The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.
(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)
(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)
True Abundance Comes From Walking The Spiritual Path
Good evening, child. I am Esu Sananda, known also as Jesus of Nazareth, and to those native to the Americas, as the Pale Prophet and other names. I come in Light and Love and on behalf of my Father, Holy God of Light. Thank you for your attention.
“I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”
Did I speak these words? Yes, indeed I did.
What do they mean? Well, it has nothing to do with money and material possessions, but it has everything to do with spiritual abundance.
Without spiritual abundance, all else is but folly and emptiness. Yes, money does seem to be a necessity in your world. But, to chase after it while allowing one’s spiritual health to suffer, is as fool-hearted as chasing after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You will come up just as empty-handed.
All that is abundance is not measured in sums of money, stacks of gold, or hoards of material things. Abundance is measured by the fullness of your heart and your spirit, and it is not achieved by the ways and means your world has to offer. It can only be achieved by living your life based upon Godly principles.
You ones are learning to recognize what “walking the spiritual path” is all about. Some may be finding it a difficult road. Though it is intended to be challenging, it need not be difficult. The third-dimensional physical plane is an instrumental part of this challenging growth experience. You all are on a spiritual path—each at different levels of understanding and progress.
Those who diligently seek spiritual understanding will most directly confront the potential pitfalls and challenges brought forth by the magnification and amplification provided through your third-dimensional schoolroom environment. This is to say there will be great distractions and obstacles to face. But the diligent seekers also know of the fullness of heart and soul that this effort brings.
Those who have gone down this path before you have experienced much of the same things you are experiencing, for the ways of the world—especially the Dark-dominated world in which you now live—tug in complete opposition to the ways of the Spirit. You have found, while attempting to take the high road and do God’s work, that you have become the whipping posts for the Adversarial (Dark) forces who are fighting to maintain control over the world.
While working day and night, with little or no time to attend personal lives, you are also having to fight off the slings and arrows of Adversarial attacks. You have been falsely accused of theft, espionage, and a whole parade of other transgressions, and you are the recipients of much vicious name-calling. All these things, mind you, are done in the name of God and in supposed service unto same.
[Editor’s Note: Esu is here turning into a general lesson what was, at that time in 1999, the then-recent, tumultuous formation of The SPECTRUM, a new publication started by ones of integrity who had departed an older publication called CONTACT that had become corrupted by ego interests.]
This reproduction is from an actual photograph taken on June 1, 1961 in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, by one of thirty archaeologists working in the area at the time. Esu Sananda appeared in visible, tangible body and permitted his photograph to be taken.
But, as I told you several months ago, the sorting had begun, and I would begin with those who claimed to be doing my Father’s work. I cleansed my Father’s house of prayer once before, and I am not intimidated by these lower energies, and I shall sweep them from His house again and again and again—until they persist no more. Nothing can be hidden any more, for it is the time of revelation and fulfillment. AND SO SHALL IT BE!
Know, however, that this confrontation is but the Dark energies fighting to try and survive, for they know that defeat is imminent. When I put them on notice several months ago [beginning in a December 25, 1998 Message that spoke of an impending housecleaning], I warned that things would heat up, and here you are. Yet, let it be known throughout all the world that GOD WINS! PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.
The Darkness will simply be transmuted by the Light which is rapidly coming upon your world. All ones need to go within and carefully examine, and IN TRUTH assess, their own spiritual condition, for the time grows very short indeed.
Neither I, nor my Father, wish that any should perish from the fullness of experiencing in these grand days of a major Planetary Transition, but free will dictates that each of you must choose for yourself.
Those whose choice is to continue down the Dark path shall find themselves “relocated” to conditions which will allow them to repeat this same lesson, again and again, until such time as they come into knowledge of the wisdom and value of Lighted behavior. It is the design of Creation everywhere.
Even though you who have bravely moved forward with this new publication called The SPECTRUM find yourselves in conditions of such opposition and under such persecution, know that we of the Higher Realms are with you day and night, and you have but to call upon us, and we shall be there to guide and assist at every turn.
There is a Grand Light at the end of this Dark-dominated time, and you ones know it deep within yourselves. It is just a little difficult to see it when you are so in the thick of the battle.
I urge you ones, however, to not be so caught up in the details (especially the distractions purposely thrown in your path to lure you off course) that you miss the Greater Plan. Details are important, but you must guard against them engulfing you to the point you do not move forward.
There are great and glorious days just ahead, and all you need do is but step over the threshold. Fear not, and take the step of faith, for in so doing, you shall be stepping into that grand and glorious Light.
Remember how, when it is the darkest, then dawn is just ahead. Pay no mind to those who are attacking you, and pay no mind to their deceiving ways, for the one they follow is the father of all lies, and master of deceit and darkness. All that has been done, and all that is being done by the Adversary, is being exposed, and neither the lies nor the truth can be hidden any more.
Love and Light does conquer all, and you ones need to remember this. When your enemies come against you, rather than reacting out of anger and the desire to get even, it would serve you better to merely return to them Love and Light. These are the most powerful forces in the universes, and even the strength of Darkness cannot stand against them.
And contrary to what you may have been taught or told, forgiveness is Godly, and God forgives ALL who truly repent. Make no mistake, and see that you are not misled. God asks that you forgive your enemies, and God never asks you to do that which He would not.
So, to those who say there shall be no forgiveness and you are not welcome aboard my ship, I say unto you that you speak with the tongue of Satan. I shall welcome aboard my ship whomever I please, and I shall not have the likes of Satan, or his mouthpieces, tell me otherwise. Selah! [So be it!]
Now, let us get on with the final chapters of this Planetary Transition process. I know that you ones are weary, and it can be difficult to maintain the faith necessary to proceed forward daily. But know that we of the Higher Realms are always with you, and you need only call upon us and we shall respond immediately to your call.
I am Sananda, a rank of achievement meaning One with my Father, One with the Light of my Father—Holy God of Light. I am come that you may have life. Bless thee and thank you for your time. We of the Higher Realms are honored by your service. Go in Peace. Go in Love. Go in Light. Salu.
About the author
As a part of his own growth experiences within that current level of accomplishment, Esu is regarded as the Commander-In-Chief of this particular planetary reclamation and transition mission, especially concerning the “harvesting” of the Lighted souls. In this case, it probably would be appropriately descriptive to say that the “shepherd” is still faithfully tending his “flock” and, in this current upcoming-planetary-transition phase of that project, he is in charge of directing ALL those, from ALL realms of creation, who are here and assisting him to “sort and bring his flock home".