Peace. Esu present in Light, and in Service to God and to The Creation.
Let there be no mistake about who I AM or who I Serve: I Serve only the highest good for humanity, in Service to the Father of All That Is. Let not your limited understanding prevent you from reading that which I have to say, for it is for the greater good that I come forth to add clarity and understanding to a chaotic and pained world.
Please know that, from where I am, I and my fellow associates in Service witness ALL of the evil plans that are being used to further enslave you. Your leaders know that we are here, watching. And yet they are arrogant beyond belief, smug in their own self-righteous power. They see not. They are in no way wise. They are foolish. And they will bring down on their own heads that which they seek to avoid.
Beloved, FEAR NOT, for you live in a troubled time. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WHICH YOU ARE BEING TOLD ON YOUR TELEVISION MIND-CONTROL BOXES. You are being lied to. You are being manipulated. You are being set-up for the greatest tyranny, the greatest human enslavement imaginable—all in the name of the “War On Terrorism”. IT IS A LIE!