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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

In some respects, Commander Soltec is a most pivotal member of the magnificent team of Advanced Overseers of planet Earth's transition, a team which we call none less than the very Hosts of God. An accomplished scientist of the Higher Realms by inclination and choice, Soltec is in charge of monitoring and interpreting all geophysical goings-on concerning Mother Earth. Soltec reports on these geophysical matters at various Higher Council meetings, where there gather and confer those who monitor and guide the progress of this planet and its inhabitants.

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Stand And Be Counted For A Better World

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Light of Creator Source—The One Light. Be at peace and be still.

Much is happening all around your globe in terms of geological activity. There is much movement of your planet’s crustal plates and we are monitoring closely the “physiological” changes of your orb’s physical structure. Your planet is constantly adjusting to the upward frequency shifts, as well as to the artificial distortions (torques) caused by man’s experimentations with high-energy pulse beams and such. Know that your planet continually calls out for protection and guidance from Higher Source, and she is given that which she seeks.

Many ones do not recognize your planetary orb as having consciousness. But the lack of understanding of the facts of the matter do not change the reality of the situation. She is quite alive, aware, and an emotional entity. She expresses herself in a manner foreign to most ones’ thinking and reasoning. Her mentor (father-mother figure) is your solar system’s Sun. Your Sun gave birth to your planetary orb many a billion years ago, and maintains constant communication with her, as well as sending various life-giving energies to her so that she may experience and grow much like you ones are doing.

  2820 Hits

Satisfaction Means Balancing The Inner And Outer Worlds

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still, for within the stillness comes the awareness of the All That Is.

Your planet continues with her healing and re-birthing process, despite much interference (both purposeful and accidental) from those Dark ones who think they know what they are doing with technologies they only vaguely understand.

As you witness the various shiftings of her crustal plates, be not fearful of what might happen; rather, realize that this is a very natural phenomenon and quite necessary for the overall balance and well-being of your planetary orb. If you live near a known geologically active area—like an earthquake fault line—it is wise to take precautions so as to avoid any unnecessary physical hardships; but so too is it wise to recognize the larger perspective of cyclical change associated with the living entity commonly referred to as Mother Earth.

  2885 Hits

Look Within And Tap The Awesome Power Of ONE

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

Much is happening all over your world in terms of geological activity. Many of you have noted the recent flair-up in volcanic activity along the eastern edge of the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, as well as what seems to be a flurry of sizable earthquake activity that seems to intensify and then quiet down to almost nothing.

Your planet is continuing to cleanse Herself of the negativity that has been allowed to fester and grow as a result of the neglect and destruction caused by the ones who should be the caretakers of the planet. Man has ravaged and plundered this life-giving orb to an ever-increasing level and, for the most part, does NOT realize what the longterm effects of those actions will be.

You cannot, for example, continue to pump crude oil from the ground, at an ever-increasing rate, and expect your planetary orb to sit and do nothing. This would be like you sitting and allowing thousands of mosquitoes to continually feast upon you, and suck fluids from your body, while you sit by and do nothing.

  3277 Hits

Expressing Yourself More Fully On Creator’s Living Canvas

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace.

Allow for the current unfolding events to impact your mind, for there are many teachings in this world that shed Light upon the path back home to Creator Source. The most important path one can take is the one that is self determined. That is to say, when ones learn to go within and connect for self to the Infinite Oneness, Creator God, they will then have access to ALL knowledge, and will be given that which best serves their current situation.

Great wonders await you all on this journey of personal discovery; there are none who can do the work of spiritual attainment for you. The greatest teacher can but offer insight to you, for to do more would surely usurp your free will. YOU must make a determined effort toward finding true personal en-Light-enment, for the uniqueness of each of God’s creations can only be fully appreciated when one truly takes responsibility for all of one’s actions and thoughts.

  2381 Hits

Breaking Loose From Those Limiting Beliefs

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

Allow for the opportunities of the moment as they present themselves. There are no chance happenings—rather, a perfect orchestration of events. This is seldom realized by you ones there while still in the physical. Most times it is quite the opposite, wherein you ones tend to assume that all is more or less chance happenings.

ALL things happen for a reason, whether it be coming into great fortune or facing a tedious challenge of patience and persistence. Let not the daily existence lull you into a sense of mundane mediocrity, else you will surely become cynical at best and outright depressed at worst.

  2895 Hits

Awakening To The Miracle

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in service to The One Light—Creator of All That Is. Be at peace and be still.

You ones are continually striving to understand the non-seen world that precipitates the physical “reality” you perceive with your five basic senses. The perceptual nature needed to do so, with accuracy, takes time and persistence to develop. And yet, for many of you, this time and persistence has already been accomplished in prior experiences and just awaits your recognition and awakening of the latent ability.

We encourage you ones to persist in finding your personal awareness of this INNATE perceptual ability, for it is through the use of same that the true fulfillment of purpose can and will be recognized. Be not the follower of another. Rather, learn to interpret your own Guidance and follow that which the heart tells you is right for you. To do so truly honors the Infinite Creator—The One Light—for you will be taking great strides toward fulfilling your ultimate purpose—the one Creator intended for you to fulfill from the instant of Creator’s conception of your very soul.

  3197 Hits

Breaking The Grip Of Often Subtle Mind-Control

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be still for there is much work needed to be accomplished. Allow for the messages to come forth in a natural unfolding.

All is as it should be and ones will recognize Balance and Truth when they see it. Let not the many distractions of “life” detour you from your chosen participation in the mission at hand, for the temptations are indeed great, and many a gifted wayshower has stumbled and fallen for the subtle traps that find quick justification in the mind while the heart cries out to be heard and considered.

Learn to listen to the heart, for it operates outside the range of the ego’s influence. The heart will lead you to true satisfaction, while the head will often lead you toward what the ego perceives as satisfaction.

  3239 Hits

Are You Ready For All That May Cross Your Path?

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant Light of The One Light—Creator Source. Be at peace.

Allow for the message to come at its own pace. There are great efforts being made by those Dark entities who do not wish this type of message to go forward. Keep the Light of Creator Source about you at all times, and be not hesitant to call upon the Lighted Brotherhood for protection. The call from a sincere, petitioning heart is always responded to. Again, be at peace.

As the current play continues to unfold, you ones will find yourselves being bombarded with one atrocity of “justice” after another. You are seeing—and will continue to witness—a systematic tearing down of your basic rights and freedoms. The illusion in which you now live is fast crumbling, and the harsher reality of the actual plans which the so-called “elite” have laid out will soon become more and more evident and blatant as they play their “trump cards”.

  2949 Hits

Learn To Balance In The “Now”

[Editor’s Note: The following writing started out as a private message to the receiver of many of these publicly shared spiritual messages. However—clever Teachers that these great Lighted beings are—the message took an ever-so-subtle turn within an early paragraph and all of a sudden became a general lesson that clearly was meant to be shared.]

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace, for there are reasons for ALL happenings that, when fully understood, play a perfect part in the unfolding drama of what you perceive as life.

Nothing is more important than the moment of “now”. What was is gone, and what will be is yet to be determined. Learn to use the “now” time for that which will be of service to the greatest number of people.

  2623 Hits

That “Secret” Something We All Are Searching For

Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source. Be at peace and be still.

Your world of illusion and “mystery” will soon be coming to a point of breakthrough. Much of what you have come to “know” as reality will be greatly impacted and altered as the perceptual shifts in consciousness are made. All of these experiences can and should be used as catalysts for further growth and understanding.

The cause of these shifts are the increasing frequencies irradiating your planet that we have discussed in great detail in many past writings. Many ones do not consciously perceive these upward shifts in frequency, yet such is evident to the astute observer. Much like parents who see their small child every day, they do not notice the changes in size as much as ones who may only see the child once or twice a year. And yet, there are always tell-tale signs that will give indicators to the parents that growth is occurring—such as clothes that don’t fit any more.

  3046 Hits