Good afternoon, my friend. It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Light of Creator Source—The One Light. Be at peace and be still.
Much is happening all around your globe in terms of geological activity. There is much movement of your planet’s crustal plates and we are monitoring closely the “physiological” changes of your orb’s physical structure. Your planet is constantly adjusting to the upward frequency shifts, as well as to the artificial distortions (torques) caused by man’s experimentations with high-energy pulse beams and such. Know that your planet continually calls out for protection and guidance from Higher Source, and she is given that which she seeks.
Many ones do not recognize your planetary orb as having consciousness. But the lack of understanding of the facts of the matter do not change the reality of the situation. She is quite alive, aware, and an emotional entity. She expresses herself in a manner foreign to most ones’ thinking and reasoning. Her mentor (father-mother figure) is your solar system’s Sun. Your Sun gave birth to your planetary orb many a billion years ago, and maintains constant communication with her, as well as sending various life-giving energies to her so that she may experience and grow much like you ones are doing.