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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

I am, of course, one of the more well-known Higher-Realm Messengers watching over your planet; I am sometimes known as the Angel of Revelation, Announcer of Big Changes, Deliverer of Insights and Guidance—and, I must confess, saddled with maybe a deserved reputation for occasional theatrics, as my historical or biblical association with the trumpet and horn signifies.

Time’s Up For The Bad Guys

Good evening my scribe and thank you for hearing my call. I am indeed old friend Archangel Gabriel, come in the Light of The One who created us all, here to commune at this auspicious time as your planetary transformation continues to accelerate. I am, of course, one of the more well-known Higher-Realm Messengers watching over your planet; I am sometimes known as the Angel of Revelation, Announcer of Big Changes, Deliverer of Insights and Guidance—and, I must confess, saddled with maybe a deserved reputation for occasional theatrics, as my historical or biblical association with the trumpet and horn signifies.

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Stubborn Bugs Meet The Cosmic Carwash

(including 4/24/02 - Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec)

Good afternoon, dear friend and scribe. I am Archangel Gabriel, along with many others who you may regard as the Host of God. Michael has already informed you ones—through recent past messages—to our very near presence within your planetary environment at this time. We come within the Light of Creator of All That Is. Our Radiance is but the Power of the One Source, flowing through to those in need, for the benefit of ALL of Creation.

Thank you for hearing our call and scribing this message. We have asked you to add this last-minute task to an already filled plate because so many ones on your world are crying out for help in this turbulent time—and yet some of these same ones, who claim familiarity with our messages, easily forget what counsel we have shared in past lessons that would have made the going a lot easier now.

Artificially induced bioelectrical conditions of depression, anxiety, and related detachments from spiritual sustenance are being broadcast at such an intensity at this time that many are floundering in all manner of negativity. This negativity is intensified by a sense of disorientation with respect to what is “reality”—a condition resulting from the planetary frequency rising faster than some of you can adjust.

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